Please Secure our future!

I m a student of university of gujrat from CSIT department.Nowadays we the student of CSIT department are tryng to save our future.we are tryng to make our degree worthy and valuable.
National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) is an organization which works under the HEC,its main purpose is to recognize the degree of computer science graduates included,IT,CS,SE.It ensures the quality of education students receive in Universities and Institutions.  It provides world leader ship in assuring quality and in stimulating innovation in applied sciences, computing, engineering and technology education. NCEAC serves the public through the promotion and advancement of education.
university of Gujrat is not Accredited with this council.I think it is our fundamental right and our management and Director of Department should do this to make our  future safe and secure.It is my request to all concerned authorities to take a step to safe the students of Uog CSIT department.we have following benefite of Accreditation.
 Accreditation helps students and their parents to choose quality university progra
Accreditation enables employers to recruit graduates they know are well-prepared.
Accreditation is used by registration, licensure, and certification boards to screen applicants
Accreditation gives institutions and universities a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate and improve the quality of their programs
It is our demand and request to all concerned authorities and management to please do this for  all of us.         


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